DIDPPy API Reference
DyPDL model. |
Transition. |
Object type. |
Set constant. |
Element expression. |
Set expression. |
Integer expression. |
Continuous expression. |
Condition. |
Returns an expression representing the greater value. |
Returns an expression representing the smaller value. |
Returns an expression representing the square root. |
Returns an expression representing the logarithm of |
Convert an integer expression to a continuous expression. |
DyPDL state. |
Element variable. |
Element resource variable. |
Set variable. |
Integer variable. |
Integer resource variable. |
Continuous variable. |
Continuous resource variable. |
Tables of Constants
1-dimensional table of element constants. |
2-dimensional table of element constants. |
3-dimensional table of element constants. |
Table of element constants. |
1-dimensional table of set constants. |
2-dimensional table of set constants. |
3-dimensional table of set constants. |
Table of set constants. |
1-dimensional table of integer constants. |
2-dimensional table of integer constants. |
3-dimensional table of integer constants. |
Table of integer constants. |
1-dimensional table of continuous constants. |
2-dimensional table of continuous constants. |
Table of continuous constants. |
Table of continuous constants. |
1-dimensional table of bool constants. |
2-dimensional table of bool constants. |
3-dimensional table of bool constants. |
Table of bool constants. |
Forward recursion solver. |
Complete Anytime Beam Search (CABS) solver. |
Cost-Algebraic A* Solver for DyPDL (CAASDy). |
Large Neighborhood Beam Search (LNBS) solver. |
Depth-first branch-and-bound (DFBB) solver. |
Cyclic Best-First Search (CBFS) solver. |
Anytime Column Progressive Search (ACPS) solver. |
Anytime Pack Progressive Search (APPS) solver. |
Discrepancy-Based Depth-First Search (DBDFS) solver. |
Breadth-first search solver. |
Large Neighborhood Search with Decision Diagrams (DD-LNS) solver. |
Weighted A* solver. |
Beam search solver using expressions to compute heuristic values. |
Solution returned by a heuristic search solver. |
Solver Configurations
An enum representing an operator to compute the f-value combining an h-value and a g-value. |
An enum representing how to parallelize beam search. |